A LightNode VPS physically located in Manila, Philippines.
v0.5 address: 200:b1ff:9827:dc87:f067:c43b:d546:1dd7
Meshname (resolved locally):
Peer at: tls://mima.localghost.org:443
If you don't like my node, I recommend the following nodes as peers:
We are currently peering into:
We are currently hosting a DNS forwarder service both in IPv4 and Yggdrasil IPv6, running under KyokoDNS (and cached with dnsmasq):
Our upstream DNS servers currently are (ranked in priority):
We are no longer using the following resolvers:
Hosted at mima.trafficpixel.tk. Now merged into this domain. Simply replace i.pximg.net with the new address and path (mima.localghost.org/proxy/pximg
Best paired with a PixivFE instance. I recommend pix.chaotic.ninja, but the official repository has other instances listed if you're looking for them.